![]() Camping gear are ideal for storage units over the winter. However, when it’s summer season, you may not need this all the time. If you do not need them then here are some useful tips to keep your gear in the best possible condition. After your camping trip, most likely the not you will stash your tent straight away. With the dry weather, you will get dirt, leaves, and sticks gathering inside and outside of your tent. Before putting them away, make sure that you have it cleaned. If you have no where to store it, storage units in Midland NC can give you the space that you need. These storage units are usually in a climate controlled area. This means that moisture is well maintained which keeps your item at its best form. Not all storage facilities have climate controlled storage. If you want to make sure that your storage units in Midland, NC has one, call Mr. Storage today. We believe in providing our customers with convenient self-storage solutions. You can find our drive up, secure, storage units in North Charlotte, South Charlotte/Steele Creek, Harrisburg, Mooresville, Statesville, Asheville/Fairview, Fletcher/Hendersonville, Sherrills Ford, Iron Station and Fort Mill/Tega Cay SC, along with these other storage facilities
![]() If you love collecting items, a mini storage is the best option for you to keep your items. Each kind of sentimental collectibles require different storage care such as its packing, hanging rails for costumes, and more. Here are some tips for each type of item you have in your collection. If you are a comic book lover, a storage in Midland NC can help you keep them safe. There are mini storage units with cooler temperature. These comic books must be place in bags with acid free boards. Thicker bags are also a preferred choice. When it comes to costumes, prior to storing, make sure that you have them properly washed. After which, identify which garments can be folded, placed in plastic boxes, and which ones are needed to be hanged. Lastly, most people collect action figures. When it comes to these, the best way to store them in a mini storage is to have a climate controlled mini storage to address any issues. If you are opting not to put them in boxes them make sure that you clean them often as to not collect dust. These are some of the simple steps in taking care of your collectibles in a mini storage. If you want to know more, call our office today. Mr. Storage has professionals that can help you go through every detail regarding mini storage. We believe in providing our customers with convenient self-storage solutions. You can find our drive up, secure, storage units in North Charlotte, South Charlotte/Steele Creek, Harrisburg, Mooresville,Statesville, Asheville/Fairview, Fletcher/Hendersonville, Sherrills Ford, Iron Station and Fort Mill/Tega Cay SC, along with these other storage facilities. |
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February 2025